Friday, August 27, 2021

Self Love

I wanted my first post to be something that is very important to me so I decided to post about self love. Self love is something I have recently started to learn how to do, I have always thought that I had self love but I was never showing myself I was only using my words and not matching up my actions with my words. To me self love is a confusing topic, some people might think it is like being selfish (like I did). Self love is knowing your limits, knowing what you like and what you do not like. Self love is being confident in yourself. To love you regardless of what anyone says. Self love is protecting your peace at all cost. I have also learned that self love is doing something nice for yourself even if it is just to get your hair done or taking yourself out to eat. My motto is "If I can't love me for me. How can I expect someone else to love me for me?" 


 We are done with the fall semester! I am so excited to have completed this fall semester I did 10 times better this fall than I did last fa...