Tuesday, November 30, 2021

free write

 Thanksgiving break just came to an end. I had a fun break, I hung out with family and friends but I also worked the entire break so it really was not a break for me. I worked 5 days straight with no day off until today! I went Black Friday shopping at one store and I also worked 8 hours on Black Friday. I had a busy break but it was fun!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Almost Over

 It is almost break!! Which means we are almost done with fall semester! After our thanksgiving break then it is winter break and when we come back in January it will be spring semester! I am excited but nervous at the same time for spring break! I know I will do good though it is that I have to stay on top of my work.  I will have to balance my school work, my work work and my social life I do not really have a good sense of time management sometimes. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 I have no idea what to write about like not at all. This is so crazy how I am just so blank about what to write. I do not understand how as an over thinker that I have no idea what to write about but hey at least I can write about how I do not know what to write about. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

No Pain No Gain

I worked out last night with my friend and I am super tired and I am in a lot of pain but I really want to get my body right... I am trying to decide if I should go back tonight or not. I think I will go back tonight I just have to keep pushing. I can do this!!


 We are done with the fall semester! I am so excited to have completed this fall semester I did 10 times better this fall than I did last fa...