Thursday, September 9, 2021


 symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder

Anxiety is something that I deal with on a daily basis. Many people do not know what anxiety looks like, but for me anxiety looks just like the picture I have above. I have a hard time concentrating, sleeping and other things like that. I recently had an anxiety attack that lasted all day long I had no idea what was making me so anxious. I was terrified I had never experienced an anxiety attack like that before. I was so scared that I started to cry, my hands were shaking really bad there was nothing I could do to stop it the only thing that did clam me down was my boyfriend just holding me and telling me it was all ok, him also making me laugh and smile even though he knew I was extremely anxious. Dealing with anxiety it is important to have someone there with you holding you and letting you know everything will be ok. The bad part about anxiety is that it is in your head and you can not even control it. 


  1. Teja, know that you are never alone going through this. I have anxiety too and I completely understand where you’re coming from and what you’re experiencing. It will get easier with time and once you learn more about how to control it and how to make yourself feel better. I believe in you that you can figure out how to deal with it and that it will come much easier to you.

  2. I relate, Teja. As Kalista says, "you are never alone," and I'd be willing to bet most of us are living with *some* anxiety (mine is clinical, so I get it). Keep showing up, taking care of yourself, and reaching out. Therapy helped me discover tools for managing my anxiety. Also, consider checking out PNW's resources, which are free to you as a student!



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